Mom’s Notes 15% off!

Joey and Carla link, the producers of the Mom’s Notes have agreed to give my readers a 15% discount through the end of August. The Mom’s Notes are audio presentations (with paper notes) that give detailed, day-to-day practical advice on applying the Ezzo principles. There are several presentations on many different topics for many ages. You can purchase them individually, as a complete set or in starter packs. I have the entire set and listen to them often on my iPod. If I ever feel like our first-time obedience is lacking or my consistency is slipping, I’ll listen to Carla and get all the reinforcement I need.

To get the discount, visit and use the coupon code GPS.

Note: I have no affiliation with Mom’s Notes. I just love them and think you will too.

One more note: I just heard from Carla that the discount applies to everything on their site, including all the books they sell. Happy shopping!


Filed under miscellaneous

10 responses to “Mom’s Notes 15% off!

  1. Atara


  2. Atara

    It said the code isn’t valid. Do I need to wait a day or two?

  3. Maureen

    Hmm. Sorry about that. I’ve emailed them. Try calling them if you’d rather not wait. Their number is on the website.

  4. Kristin

    It says that they are designed for people who’ve gone through GKGW. I have not… I have read most of the wise books. Do you think that would be a problem?

  5. Maureen

    Hi Kristin,

    No, that’s not a problem. Much of the information in Childwise is also in GKGW. The Mom’s Notes will still definitely help you. You might also want to consider buying the GKGW book (and/or the CDs). It is a little more detailed than Childwise. Click on my Resources page for a description and links.


  6. Amanda

    I’m considering getting the toddler/preschooler starter pack since Tobias is almost 1 now. My big issue currently is structuring his day, does the chapter on that in the book really help or is it mostly repeating what the -wise books say? I know that’s a really specific question, but I’m trying to justify it to my husband 🙂

  7. Maureen

    Atara, the issue with the coupon code should be worked out by morning. The Links’ webmaster is currently working on it.

    Amanda, are you asking about the GKGW book or the Mom’s Notes? For information on structuring your/his day, the Mom’s Notes are much more detailed. The GKGW book doesn’t have a lot on scheduling your day. It would still be a wise investment in Tobias’ future. Your husband might enjoy it as well. It has a ton of references to scripture. And there are several ideas that aren’t in the Parent Wise books. I wish I could show you the book somehow. See if you can find a phone number on the GFI site and ask them your questions.

  8. Atara

    Just to add for Amanda – My husband loves the Mom’s Notes as well. We listen to them in the car. She’s a great speaker, funny and articulate.

  9. Atara

    OH – and the notes are pretty much verbatim to her talk. So, to save money, I only buy the CD’s. You may do that. She will often include stories on the CD that aren’t in the notes.

  10. I LOVE the Mom’s Notes tapes! I just blogged about them today!

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